Thursday, October 9, 2008


This past weekend was homecoming! Harper and I and some of the other coach's wives and kids attended an event called Quad City where they have lots of activities for kids. In the following pics, you will see just how much Harper enjoyed her day!
In the above pictures, Harper is loving the "bouncy, bouncy" as she calls it. Ty, her new favorite friend is helping/protecting her. He kept shouting to the other kids to watch out for the baby! Thank you, Ty!
Here, Harper and Macy Joe are enjoying their balloons and waiting for their daddies to walk by in the parade.

Here they come!! They have to look serious because it's game day!

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy again... In the pictures below, Harper and I are in the petting zoo. She was so excited! We have to drive by the horses, sheep, and goats everyday to say hi. So, she was overjoyed at the prospect of actually getting to pet and feed them.

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