Monday, October 13, 2008

High School Football

As you probably already know, football is an important part of our lives. However, we don't get to see many high school football games because Friday nights are meeting nights for college football coaches. Every now and then, the college has a Thursday night game and we get excited because we can go to a local high school football game. In these pictures, Harper is as excited as we are about attending the game. She loves watching the cheerleaders and the band. However, she doesn't understand why she can't go out on the field with the boys like she can when her dad is practicing. Harper is also sad that she hasn't seen her Papa's new team yet. She's very proud that they are on a winning streak!

I included this shot so that everyone can see Harper's new back teeth. We really struggled to get these! We hadn't made it out of the house yet and the bow was already gone. She almost always has to have something in her hair now to keep her bangs out of her eyes.

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