Sunday, October 19, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Harper and I were fortunate enough to be able to make a quick trip home this weekend. We didn't expect to come in until Christmas so this was a nice surprise. In the above picture, Harper and I were getting ready to visit Papaw at his school where they were having a Homecoming Parade.
Harper got to visit with Nana, Papa, and Aunt Abby on the farm. She loves riding around on the golf cart while Chester the dog chases after them. Harper also got introduced to some of Papa's home grown apples this weekend and they were a hit!

Nana and Papa came by Mamaw and Papaw's on our last night to say goodbye. Harper didn't want to see them go!

Harper is tackling and kissing Darby the Giant Dog. I think she misses her dogs back home, but she has titty tats here to play with.

Just wanted the chance to show off Harper's Bon Jovi t-shirt again.....

Here, Harper is helping Mamaw clean the house while wearing Mommy's shoes. I'm not sure the broom works as well on carpet.

And here, we're back to Harper trying to put on her baby's shoes. Thank goodness we didn't get the temper tantrum this time when they didn't fit.
We really had a good time this weekend, but we sure did miss Daddy!!!!

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