Monday, October 27, 2008

18 Month Check Up

Harper had her 18 month doctor visit on Friday. She did very well. As usual, she had her doctor laughing. I wish we had our camera to take a picture of the doctor holding Harper's baby. Last time it was her blankie.... Anyway, she weighed in at 30.8 lbs and was 36 inches tall. She's still off the charts. The doctor asked us if we thought she could say 50 words. We thought about it for a second and we actually do. Some of it is in Harper's own language, but we know exactly what she's talking about. Her daddy asked her to say broccoli for him and she did. She also said elbow and pointed to her elbow when the doctor asked if she knew 5 body parts. As part of her performance, she was wearing her black and red lady bug galoshes and her diaper when he walked in. She jumped, danced and turned in a circle when asked as well. Again......she may look like me, but she acts like her daddy:-)

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