Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thanks Uncle Rob!

Harper's Uncle Rob in Atlanta sent her a Halloween surprise today!! She was so excited....
I picked out the orange shirt with the ruffles on the sleeves for her to wear first, but Harper vetoed that choice for the shirt that said "Trick or Treat Smell My Feet!" Thank you, Uncle Rob! We love you!
I also have to add that in the first picture Harper made her first basketball shot......and it was a dunk! That is definitely one for the baby book.

Happy Birthday Nana!!

I just want to wish my wonderful Nana the best birthday in the world!! I love you so much!
I miss you Nana and wish I could be with you on your birthday.

Monday, October 27, 2008


We took a family field trip on Saturday to the Pumkin Patch or in Harper's language....Bunkin Batch.
She would pull her wagon full of bunkins she had picked out, while her dad and I would try to secretly put some of them back.

Aren't daddies at their cutest when trying to put bows back in hair?

At this point she had room to ride.....but not for long!!

Harper is trying her best to lift the bigger pumkins, but sometimes mom had to help.

It didn't take her long to figure out that the bunkins didn't taste good.

Harper is too busy for a quick kiss!

She loved walking around with her daddy!

However, she didn't like walking with him to the car in the middle of the field trip for a quick diaper change.

Can you find Harper in this picture?

We had a runaway daughter when it was time to go.....

I had to throw in a picture of Crockett and his new green "bow". Fletcher wouldn't sit still long enough to have his picture made.

Dad is a master carver!

I believe that Harper is thrilled with the finished product.

Daddy was glad to be done too! Harper loves all her bunkins, but especially the one that her daddy carved for her.

18 Month Check Up

Harper had her 18 month doctor visit on Friday. She did very well. As usual, she had her doctor laughing. I wish we had our camera to take a picture of the doctor holding Harper's baby. Last time it was her blankie.... Anyway, she weighed in at 30.8 lbs and was 36 inches tall. She's still off the charts. The doctor asked us if we thought she could say 50 words. We thought about it for a second and we actually do. Some of it is in Harper's own language, but we know exactly what she's talking about. Her daddy asked her to say broccoli for him and she did. She also said elbow and pointed to her elbow when the doctor asked if she knew 5 body parts. As part of her performance, she was wearing her black and red lady bug galoshes and her diaper when he walked in. She jumped, danced and turned in a circle when asked as well. Again......she may look like me, but she acts like her daddy:-)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Harper and I were fortunate enough to be able to make a quick trip home this weekend. We didn't expect to come in until Christmas so this was a nice surprise. In the above picture, Harper and I were getting ready to visit Papaw at his school where they were having a Homecoming Parade.
Harper got to visit with Nana, Papa, and Aunt Abby on the farm. She loves riding around on the golf cart while Chester the dog chases after them. Harper also got introduced to some of Papa's home grown apples this weekend and they were a hit!

Nana and Papa came by Mamaw and Papaw's on our last night to say goodbye. Harper didn't want to see them go!

Harper is tackling and kissing Darby the Giant Dog. I think she misses her dogs back home, but she has titty tats here to play with.

Just wanted the chance to show off Harper's Bon Jovi t-shirt again.....

Here, Harper is helping Mamaw clean the house while wearing Mommy's shoes. I'm not sure the broom works as well on carpet.

And here, we're back to Harper trying to put on her baby's shoes. Thank goodness we didn't get the temper tantrum this time when they didn't fit.
We really had a good time this weekend, but we sure did miss Daddy!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Papa!

Happy Birthday Papa! This picture was taken at Harper's 1st birthday party in April. She is feeding Papa some of her birthday cake. She sure does miss her Papa! We hope he had a great birthday!

Monday, October 13, 2008

High School Football

As you probably already know, football is an important part of our lives. However, we don't get to see many high school football games because Friday nights are meeting nights for college football coaches. Every now and then, the college has a Thursday night game and we get excited because we can go to a local high school football game. In these pictures, Harper is as excited as we are about attending the game. She loves watching the cheerleaders and the band. However, she doesn't understand why she can't go out on the field with the boys like she can when her dad is practicing. Harper is also sad that she hasn't seen her Papa's new team yet. She's very proud that they are on a winning streak!

I included this shot so that everyone can see Harper's new back teeth. We really struggled to get these! We hadn't made it out of the house yet and the bow was already gone. She almost always has to have something in her hair now to keep her bangs out of her eyes.

Shoes, Shoes, and More Shoes

We are all aware of Harper's love of shoes.....Aunt Debbie sent Harper an early Christmas present, and guess what? More shoes! Harper was in shoe heaven:-)
Aren't these the cutest shoes ever!!! We could do a commercial for Pedipeds. They really are the best shoes for toddlers, especially those first learning to walk ...or even run laps (like Harper).

Of course, her baby and her turtle had to try on the new shoes as well. In the pictures below, Harper found Mommy's cowgirl boots and really had a fit trying to walk in them.

I think she's a natural!

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