Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bye Bye UTM! Hello UTC!!!!!!

Marcus, Harper, and I had a life changing New Year's Eve. We found out that we are moving to Chattanooga! Marcus was awarded the job of Offensive Coordinator at UTC. After 2 1/2 amazing but long years, our prayers have been answered. Needless to say, the grandparents are ecstatic over the news! We truly feel blessed. We will miss our Martin friends and we will welcome with open arms our new Chattanooga family.


Anonymous said...

YEAH.....Chattanooga awaits you all! Congratulations again. I can't wait to meet little Harper and introduce her to Lauren, Colin and soon to be Maci Cate! I wish you all the luck in getting things settled in Martin.

The Westmorelands said...

that's exciting! i know you're thrilled to be moving closer to home. we will definitely miss you here. every time knox sees a little girl under the age of 5, he says, "harper!" he's gonna miss his girlfriend! congrats!!

The Beamer's said...

Yay!!! We are so excited for ya'll!!!

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