Friday, January 30, 2009

The Many Faces of Harper (part 2)

I believe that I've done a "Many Faces of Harper" blog before...hence the part 2. Harper has been busy having fun this week.

Harper loves to say "CHEESE!" for the camera. The only problem is that she can't say cheese with her eyes open:)

Another minor problem we have with Harper is that she loves to eat lotion. I have to really watch her when we apply lotion after her bath each night.

Harper is taking a moment to hug her monkey which I believe once upon a time belonged to me. She is becoming very attached to her stuffed animals. We went to Build A Bear this week and had a blast. I will post her new animal as soon as she lets it go long enough.



I think Darby the Dog has made the blog before.....

In the following pictures Harper found my ancient t-ball hat. Go Indians! We always won!

It's been raining quite a bit in East Tn, but Harper is prepared.

Check out Mamaw's blue socks in the background:)

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