Thursday, September 18, 2008

Learning to Dress Ourself

Much to my dismay and joy, Harper is learning to dress herself. At times she picks out her own clothes, but her favorite thing to do right now is put on her own shoes. We've known for a while that she loves clothes. She could play in her closet for hours. Well, maybe not hours but for 30 minutes at least and that's a looooong time for Harper to stay at one activity. Now, she is developing a taste for shoes. She takes that after her Aunt Abby and Papaw. I think I will just let them fund her new obsession:-)
In this picture she actually has the shoe on the correct foot.

Now, she's taking it off to put it right back on again. Notice the look of concentration on her face. She's watching Yo Gabba Gabba while taking her shoes on and off. At least she can multi-task.I've finally got her attention.
Harper wanted me to thank Nana and Papa for her new "Abby" Cabbage Patch doll. She loves her! However, I've had to hide Abby's shoes because Harper keeps trying to put them on her own feet and when that doesn't work she pitches a fit. I think last night when it didn't work Harper actually had her first temper tantrum.

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