Thursday, September 4, 2008

Harper's 1st Gymnastics Class

What fun we all had last Saturday morning! Harper was just about as excited as I've ever seen her. As you will be able to tell from the pics, this wasn't your typical gymnastics class. Of course, at 16 months what do you expect? The gym was set up as an obstacle course where the kids could run, jump, bounce, climb, swing, etc... You were supposed to be 18 months to start, but the teacher evaluated Harper and decided that she was more than ready to begin:) Pictures are courtesy of Mamaw while Papaw was in charge of the video camera. I think we all three got a great workout chasing Harper around the gym. I know that after class was over the four of us were ready for a nap!
We think her favorite activity was climbing up this mat and then sliding back down.
She wasn't quite sure what to do here, but as you can see in the next pic she eventually got the hang of it.

She took about a 2 second break half way through the class. That's her teacher laughing at her.
And another break for water.... This was actually her 1st activity of the day. We weren't sure we were going to be able to get her on the floor to start once she found the water fountain.

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