Monday, September 29, 2008

Congratulations On All The Wins!

Harper wants to take this time to congratulate her Daddy on his big win against Murray State!
She also wants to congratulate Papa and Sequoyah High School on their big win!!!
And we definitely don't want to forget the Seymour High School Eagles and their big win against SCHS! Go Eagles!!!

Big Girl!

Whenever we go to the park now (which is every day), Harper has to do almost everything on her own. She has become quite the big girl. She can go down the tallest slide at the park by herself. She also likes to get on and off the bouncy seat by herself as you can see.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gym Dad!

Daddy took time out of his busy, game-day schedule to attend gymnastics! Here he is helping Harper on the still rings....except there's really nothing still about Daddy or Harper.

Harper loves jumping into the pit!
She hasn't quite grasped the concept of the balance beam yet, but we're working on it. Thanks Daddy for coming to the gym with me!!! It must have brought good luck because later on that day, Daddy won his game!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Learning to Dress Ourself

Much to my dismay and joy, Harper is learning to dress herself. At times she picks out her own clothes, but her favorite thing to do right now is put on her own shoes. We've known for a while that she loves clothes. She could play in her closet for hours. Well, maybe not hours but for 30 minutes at least and that's a looooong time for Harper to stay at one activity. Now, she is developing a taste for shoes. She takes that after her Aunt Abby and Papaw. I think I will just let them fund her new obsession:-)
In this picture she actually has the shoe on the correct foot.

Now, she's taking it off to put it right back on again. Notice the look of concentration on her face. She's watching Yo Gabba Gabba while taking her shoes on and off. At least she can multi-task.I've finally got her attention.
Harper wanted me to thank Nana and Papa for her new "Abby" Cabbage Patch doll. She loves her! However, I've had to hide Abby's shoes because Harper keeps trying to put them on her own feet and when that doesn't work she pitches a fit. I think last night when it didn't work Harper actually had her first temper tantrum.

In Training for the Tour De France

As you can tell by scrolling through the pictures, I'm not sure Harper knew what to think about the helmet, elbow and knee pads, and the tricycle. However, by the last picture she was adjusting minus two elbow pads and one knee pad. Her feet can reach the pedals if she could just get past getting on and off and on and off the tricycle.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Game Time!

Harper is modeling her new cheerleading uniform that Papaw bought for her. To finish out our busy Saturday, we attended Daddy's 1st home game.
She was too excited about picking flowers for me to get a good shot of the new uniform. However, her first football game where she was actually mobile turned out to be a good one. Not only did we win, but Harper got to see her boys (football players), the cheerleaders, the band, and Captain Skyhawk.

Another Day @ the Gym

Hula hooping...
Driving a car?
Gymnastics was another big part of our busy Saturday. Mamaw and I saw Harper's gym teacher, Mr. Ed, at the Soy Bean Festival and he assured us that Harper was going to be the next Mary Lou Retton. I don't think he took into account that she's on track to be 6 foot tall:-)

Cool Cowgirl!

We had a busy day on Saturday. When Harper woke up on Saturday morning she had a full house. Her daddy, Aunt Andi, Mamaw, Papaw, and I were all in the living room watching her play.
Her new favorite game is putting on mine and her daddy's shoes and trying to walk. These were a little more than she could handle, but she got a good laugh.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Harper's 1st Gymnastics Class

What fun we all had last Saturday morning! Harper was just about as excited as I've ever seen her. As you will be able to tell from the pics, this wasn't your typical gymnastics class. Of course, at 16 months what do you expect? The gym was set up as an obstacle course where the kids could run, jump, bounce, climb, swing, etc... You were supposed to be 18 months to start, but the teacher evaluated Harper and decided that she was more than ready to begin:) Pictures are courtesy of Mamaw while Papaw was in charge of the video camera. I think we all three got a great workout chasing Harper around the gym. I know that after class was over the four of us were ready for a nap!
We think her favorite activity was climbing up this mat and then sliding back down.
She wasn't quite sure what to do here, but as you can see in the next pic she eventually got the hang of it.

She took about a 2 second break half way through the class. That's her teacher laughing at her.
And another break for water.... This was actually her 1st activity of the day. We weren't sure we were going to be able to get her on the floor to start once she found the water fountain.

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