Thursday, May 21, 2009

First Field Trip

Harper took her first field trip this week to Crabtree Farms.

Harper was very good about following the instructor around and learning about the different plants. I think we may have a junior gardener on our hands....thanks to Papa Satterfield:)

Harper and her friend are smelling the peppermint.

They are learning about blueberries. The kids weren't supposed to pick any because they aren't ripe yet, but my two year old didn't follow those instructions very well. I think I got to her before she did any damage.

I did let her pick the weeds which to her are "pretty, yellow flowers."

Near the end of the field trip the group got in a circle to sing Old McDonald Had a Farm. As you can see, Harper took her usual spot in the center of the circle to sing, clap, and dance. I'm getting used to the center of the circle thing with her:)

Okay, Mom enough pictures.....I'm waiting to hear this one day. I had to get a shot her her artwork. If you can't tell what it is, it's a butterfly made out of bird seed.

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