Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Sophie!

Beautiful Sophie Jane turned one this weekend! We were so excited to be a part of this special day.

Behind Sophie, Harper was next in line for having the best day. In this picture, Harper is the one with the party hat on her nose. Who does that remind you of?

Just kidding, Momma!

Harper is eyeing the outside activity...

Sophie and her precious Nana:)

Harper and her precious Nana:)

Let the games begin! Harper did not have any trouble keeping up with the big kids.

She's off and running to get in line to slide again!

By the end of the day, we had two tired little girls on our hands.

Our Day @ Dollywood

"I want to ride this!" "I want to ride that!" We think that Harper really enjoyed her day at Dollywood. While waiting in line, Harper would shout the above quotes over and over until it was her turn.
Harper and Dad waving from the yellow car on the Veggie Tale roller coaster.

Harper looks excited and Dad looks bored as they wait for the tea cups to start.

"Arms up, Uncle Joel!" If she couldn't do the driving, Harper was content to sit in the back with her arms up during the Piggy Parade.

Mom taking a tuckered out Harper to the Bumble Bee of her choice...

Honk! Honk! She was in the driver's seat for this ride!

My turn to ride with Harper. I have to admit that the flying elephants were a little fun:)
Thanks, Uncle Bill! We love you!

Fun in the Sun

It seems like if the sun is shining, then we are finding water somewhere. This just happens to be in our own backyard.

"I drink it!"

"I done, Mommy."

Swimming With Nemo

Harper's new favorite movie is Finding we took her to the lake last week to try and find him.

It's a little chilly, but that won't stop our little fishy.

Bye Bye Mommy!

Hair Cut!

Harper and I had a mom and daughter day this past weekend. We drove to Atlanta to get a hair cut from Uncle Rob. Harper loves her Uncle Rob....while we were there he had to run out and get her Potty Elmo. It was a hit!
In the meantime, Harper's dad was having a boys' weekend. "Gip" as Harper calls him came in for a visit. Geep did take some time to play blocks with Harper.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Room

Harper has a new room. Her dad and I made this decision based on the fact that her other room was upstairs. When she moved to a toddler bed we didn't think it would be wise for her to climb up and down the steps in the middle of the night to go the potty. So, now Harper actually has two to sleep in and one to play in. I was trying to get some shots of her new room, but as you can tell Harper was a little ham this morning and we ended up doing a photo shoot of Harper instead. Enjoy!

"Let's Go Outside"

Harper has been speaking in complete sentences for a while now. So, if I could pick the one sentence that I hear most often is would be this one, "Let's go outside!" In the above picture Harper is swinging on her teeter totter, but she won't hang on to the regular handle bars. She has to make it more exciting by inventing new ones.

Another outside activity that has captured Harper's interest is baseball. She is helping her dad put the tee together.

One handed swing...

I personally like this picture because of how she has positioned her non - hitting hand.

Okay, enough baseball she says.....let's try to make it a sit n' spin!

First Field Trip

Harper took her first field trip this week to Crabtree Farms.

Harper was very good about following the instructor around and learning about the different plants. I think we may have a junior gardener on our hands....thanks to Papa Satterfield:)

Harper and her friend are smelling the peppermint.

They are learning about blueberries. The kids weren't supposed to pick any because they aren't ripe yet, but my two year old didn't follow those instructions very well. I think I got to her before she did any damage.

I did let her pick the weeds which to her are "pretty, yellow flowers."

Near the end of the field trip the group got in a circle to sing Old McDonald Had a Farm. As you can see, Harper took her usual spot in the center of the circle to sing, clap, and dance. I'm getting used to the center of the circle thing with her:)

Okay, Mom enough pictures.....I'm waiting to hear this one day. I had to get a shot her her artwork. If you can't tell what it is, it's a butterfly made out of bird seed.

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