Friday, January 30, 2009

The Many Faces of Harper (part 2)

I believe that I've done a "Many Faces of Harper" blog before...hence the part 2. Harper has been busy having fun this week.

Harper loves to say "CHEESE!" for the camera. The only problem is that she can't say cheese with her eyes open:)

Another minor problem we have with Harper is that she loves to eat lotion. I have to really watch her when we apply lotion after her bath each night.

Harper is taking a moment to hug her monkey which I believe once upon a time belonged to me. She is becoming very attached to her stuffed animals. We went to Build A Bear this week and had a blast. I will post her new animal as soon as she lets it go long enough.



I think Darby the Dog has made the blog before.....

In the following pictures Harper found my ancient t-ball hat. Go Indians! We always won!

It's been raining quite a bit in East Tn, but Harper is prepared.

Check out Mamaw's blue socks in the background:)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Baby in a Basket

And she's in! As you can tell, Harper is a little big for this baby basket, but don't tell Harper that. Harper is in the stage where you have to use reverse psychology. If you tell her she's too big and won't fit, she'll be glad to prove you wrong. Harper is now 21 months old going on 4 years. Her vocabulary and the size of her clothes tell us so....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Knox!

Harper's boyfriend, Knox, turns two on 01/23. He has the coolest birth date! These are pictures of Knox and Harper last Christmas....My! How they've grown! Harper already misses Knox and wishes him the best on his 2nd birthday. Check out Knox's blog at

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ranch! Chips! Peas!

Ranch! Chips! Peas! (please) Trust me she doesn't like peas. However, Harper does love her chips and ranch dip. Sometimes, she does get to eat chips, but I try to get her to eat "crunchies" instead. Gerber makes a toddler food called crunchies that Harper will substitute for chips most of the time. Harper's doctor assures me that crunchies do have some nutritional value.

She gets very serious about her dipping abilities. This action can take up to 30 minutes at a time.

However, if you're not careful and she runs out of dipping tools (chips/crunchies) she will resort to using her fingers and then her whole hand. Is there anything better than chips, dip, and chocolate milk?

Harper and Her Babies

Harper has really started getting into pretend play. It's fun to watch her imagination at work. Part of her pretend play involves her babies. She loves to read to them.
One of her favorite things to do with her babies is cover them up with her monies (blankies). We aren't sure where the word monie comes from, but that is the only word she will use for blanket. Harper has gotten to the point where she says anything that comes out of your mouth. Needless to say, we are very careful now what we say, how we say it, and what we talk about.

Harper is using the same crib for her babies that I used for mine. It's in pretty good shape after 30 years.

We've been back in east Tn for 3 days now and Harper has been a busy girl. Papaw came to Martin to get us on Sunday. Thank goodness he did because on the way home we got a flat tire and were stranded in the boonies for 3 hours before AAA showed up. Since then she visited Nana and Papa where she played in the snow and got her first taste of it as well. Harper also added a new word to her ever expanding vocabulary...TROUBLE...she learned her new word when she took her purple and blue crayon and wrote all over Mamaw's white wall.
The adventures of Harper will be continued.....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Last Day of School

Today is the last day of school for Harper and me. I'm very sad to leave my Greenfield family. Obviously, Harper doesn't realize what's going on, but when I dropped her off this morning her teachers were sad as well. We've both had wonderful experiences at our respective schools. Thanks everyone for the good memories!

Mamaw and Papaw took this pic of Harper on a rainy day during our Christmas break.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Glamour Girl

With her fur vest, monogrammed purse, bow, and boots, Harper was ready to hit the town.

Playing with Fletcher

Harper decided to trade in her babydoll for Fletcher. He loved the attention!


When I picked Harper up from school yesterday she had her first ponytail!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bye Bye UTM! Hello UTC!!!!!!

Marcus, Harper, and I had a life changing New Year's Eve. We found out that we are moving to Chattanooga! Marcus was awarded the job of Offensive Coordinator at UTC. After 2 1/2 amazing but long years, our prayers have been answered. Needless to say, the grandparents are ecstatic over the news! We truly feel blessed. We will miss our Martin friends and we will welcome with open arms our new Chattanooga family.

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