Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Past

It looks like we will have to enjoy pictures from Christmas Past until I make it back to Chattanooga where I left the cord that connects my camera to the computer. Oh! By the way, did I mention that I also left our video camera at home as well!!!! How silly am I? I will have to borrow someone's video camera because we can't miss our daughter's 3rd Christmas. Santa comes to Mamaw and Papaw's every year. I felt like we had it all covered coming in two cars on two different days....... I'm just a little frustrated.
However, it does my heart good to look back on Harper's first Christmas. Oh! How I miss my baby! But, I can't describe how much fun Harper is right now. We are so blessed. Merry Christmas to all our beloved family and friends! Happy Birthday Jesus!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

As I was innocently washing dishes, my daughter was stamping herself all over with her Strawberry Shortcake stamp out of a McDonald's Happy Meal. This all happened in a matter of two minutes at the most. When I looked over my shoulder and gasped, Harper immediately started crying. She knew she was in trouble! (not really) I tried not to laugh as I was taking these pictures. However, the stamp is in the trash.

Block Party

Recently, Harper has really taken an interest in blocks...legos, wood blocks, big blocks, etc...anything that makes towers and castles. We may have an engineer/ballerina/teacher/doctor/gymnast on our hands:)

After she builds them, she then takes great joy in knocking them down!
P.S. Check out the outfit!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy #5 to Aidan!

Harper attended Aidan's 5th birthday this weekend. It's hard to believe how old he is....and so smart and handsome!

Aidan and Harper are a couple of scary monsters!
Mamaw is getting into the birthday action with Harper.

Aidan, Grace, and Harper were party animals!

Aidan hugs Harper after he opens her gift.

Harper and her sense of fashion get more creative everyday. She has three pairs of ballet shoes, yet she chose her Uggs to complete this outfit:)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fairy Princess?

As we began our night of trick or treating, we were greeted with this beautiful rainbow and sunset. This was the front and side view from our driveway. What a blessing!
What happened to our fairy princess? I learned a valuable lesson this Halloween season...wait until the week of Halloween before purchasing a costume. At the beginning of October I searched and searched for the perfect pink, fairy princess costume. Notice I said "fairy" because said costume needed to have wings as well as be pink and very princessish (sp?). I guess my mistake was buying Wubzy's Halloween dvd. Harper fell in love with "Monster Madness" and the green monster. After having watched that particular episode probably 500 times, she then began telling everyone who asked that she was going to be a green monster for Halloween.....see below:)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cowgirl Boots and Leotards...

Everyday Harper has a fashion statement to make. In the morning for school, I let Harper decide between two outfits. However, when she gets home the first thing she does is run to her room to change clothes. The rule is that she can wear whatever she wants at home and that gets interesting:)
I wonder if GAP could use this pic in one of their ads:)

How about the leotard, skirt and boots?

I always have to add a shot of Harper and Fletcher.

Our Little Gymnast

Harper is really enjoying her gymnastics class. We've moved up to a big girl class. My job is to sit back and watch, which is really hard to do sometimes:) Anyway, Harper is the youngest student in her class, but you can't tell. She doesn't lack in energy or enthusiasm.

Harper's favorite event is the that really an event?
She has her forward roll down pretty good....

However, we are still working on our straddle forward roll.

Second to the trampoline is the bar...

Like her mom, I think the beam is her least favorite event. We will have to get Aunt Celeste to show her how to work the beam like a champion!

It's all worth it in the end for the stamps and lollipop.

Working Hard with Papaw

Harper started out working hard for Papaw around the yard...

She got a little sidetracked with a hat and stroller. Also notice the belt...Harper had to have one to match Papaw's.
Next we needed a bunny rabbit...

and a race with the kitty...

or flipping in the grass...

Shout Out to Rya!

Harper had her first sleep over a few weeks ago with Rya. Rya belongs to Marcus' friend from college, Adam. At one point both girls were going to the potty at the same time in the same bathroom with their daddy's watching over them. I wonder if while in college the dad's thought ahead to this moment in time:)

They tried to convince us that they were asleep. I think the big smiles gave them away....we eventually had to separate them. They were fast friends and we can't wait to get them together again.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Long Time No See!

Sorry to all my loyal blog followers....a lot has been going on in Southeast TN. I made the huge decision to go back to work full time and needless to say that doesn't leave me much time to blog. Between working, getting two people ready, tending to a sick little girl, football season, etc., there has not been much time to spend on my blog. Here are some snapshots of over the past month...
In the above pic, Harper and Nana are playing with the big, foam finger:) Below is a picture of, "Daddy in the sky." Marcus sits in the box much to mine and Harper's dismay. We enjoy seeing him on the sidelines.

Harper says, "Time out for a sippy!"

I had to slide this one in of Harper and Fletcher sharing some quality time together.

Please ignore the big rear end...I thought this one was funny. Like mother, like daughter....Harper really seems to enjoy doing gymnastics. Her gym teacher has moved her up to preschool I, which is for three year olds. This is great for a little girl who's not quite two and a half:)

Looking tired from working so hard!!!

Hope to see you soon!

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