Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wake up, Sleepyhead! We had to wake Harper up @ 9:30.
Harper came walking into the living room with blankie and her sippy cup. When she saw her kitchen she threw down her sippy cup and came running. It was fun to watch!

She immediately started cooking. Santa really didn't need to bring anything else.

After a while, Harper started playing with her other toys. She's really into watching and doing what she sees others do.....scary!

Yo Gabba Gabba tent....she loves her five Gabba friends.

Harper is enjoying Santa's left over cookies.

After the cookies, we had to have a bath before we could play again.

Harper at the Satterfields where she a great time playing with all her cousins. She learned to play "Ring around the Rosy" and "Keep Away".

Harper and Ivy loved playing with Sophie's toys too. Happy Birthday, Jesus! Thank you for your many blessings.

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