Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Hugs for Aidan

Harper and Aidan have continued a Christmas tradition that Audra, Andi, and I had as kids. We used to love getting together and exchanging gifts.
Harper has gone from pulling Aidan's hair a year ago to giving hugs.

What a sweet look between friends:)

At ages 4 and 20 months, it's cool to hold hands. Give it a few years and we won't be able to pay them to touch! Thank you Householders for all the nice presents!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Matt Stillwell = Friends, Family, and Fun

Our good friend and soon to be country music star, Matt Stillwell, played for a large group of friends, family, and fans this past Friday night at the Cotton Eyed Joe in Knoxville. Matt's new video "Shine" is now playing on CMT. For those of you who were at our wedding, Matt was the one who sang most of the songs.
Connie, Whitney, Matt, and Me!

Marcus and I had a great was a good date night!

Marcus is a smart man. He always surrounds himself with women.
Thank you Connie for all the great pictures!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wake up, Sleepyhead! We had to wake Harper up @ 9:30.
Harper came walking into the living room with blankie and her sippy cup. When she saw her kitchen she threw down her sippy cup and came running. It was fun to watch!

She immediately started cooking. Santa really didn't need to bring anything else.

After a while, Harper started playing with her other toys. She's really into watching and doing what she sees others do.....scary!

Yo Gabba Gabba tent....she loves her five Gabba friends.

Harper is enjoying Santa's left over cookies.

After the cookies, we had to have a bath before we could play again.

Harper at the Satterfields where she a great time playing with all her cousins. She learned to play "Ring around the Rosy" and "Keep Away".

Harper and Ivy loved playing with Sophie's toys too. Happy Birthday, Jesus! Thank you for your many blessings.

Twas' the Night Before Christmas

Harper needed some alone time to wait for Santa.

Dad cooking the traditional Christmas Eve goolash.


And after....this year's might have been the best yet!

Santa's cookies...

Aunt Andi and Dad putting together Harper's kitchen...

Papaw is also working hard for Harper.

Finally, all is calm and it's time to go to bed....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

It's hard to believe that Marcus and I have been married for 4 years! Time flies when you're having fun:-) Marcus woke up this morning and reminded me that this time 4 years ago he was in trouble....he was supposed to be at the hotel at 7:30 to get his hair cut. Needless to say, after being at a cabin in Gatlinburg for 4 days with his friends, he had a hard time getting to Knoxville by 7:30 a.m. Obviously, it all worked out!

Doesn't Dad look nice in a tux?

If you can tell by looking out the window behind us, it snowed about 3 inches that day...

Best Santa Photo Ever!

Aunt Andi and Audra look a little different in the early 80' cute are they?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Clean Out

Marcus and I decided that every year at Christmas time we will clean out Harper's room and give the toys that she has lost interest in to charity. We turned a potential chore into a good time! These were some of the stuffed animals that Harper decided to keep. We filled up a whole trash bag full of the others. It's kind of hard to get rid of stuffed animals. I kept thinking of the "Velveteen Rabbit."
We had to keep the hat and glasses!

This last picture is of Harper and her new found love....crayons. Needless to say, they got taken away from her for a little while. So far, we've just had one kitchen cabinet and one face incident to report.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just Hanging Out

Harper and I are getting a lot of play time in while Dad's on the road. Sometimes Harper will sit still for a minute, but most of the time she's on the move.

She loves taking care of her baby. She will put her down for "night night" and feed her french fries.

Other than baby, Mickey is the 2nd best thing in Harper's play world. We've tried to decorate Harper's Christmas tree in Mickey Mouse decor.

She is sitting on the couch drinking chocolate milk out of her Minnie Mouse sippy and watching Mickey on TV.

The best thing Harper did today was not shedding a tear when she got her flu shot! We are so proud of her!

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