Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Celebration of the New Turf

Last night we had a turf celebration party and Harper had the time of her life....
Here we are trying to coax her to talk to the Skyhawk. She had her picture made earlier with him, but now she's shy all of a sudden. This is after having chased him all over the field.
Here's the picture! She can't take her eyes off him. This may be the first time she's encountered a life size character other than Santa last year which I'm sure she doesn't remember. Her dad looks real excited:)

She's testing out the new turf. The turf may be new to some people, but it's a second home to Harper. Oh! She's also modeling her boo boo. Her mean mom made her wear her new sandals and she tripped on the concrete and hurt her knee. Yes, I feel bad.
These are all the players that Marcus coaches. The QB's are in front and the wide-outs are in back. They all know and love the Harpster.

There was loud music playing throughout the night. In the following shots Harper has decided to dance. Here, she's at the top of the concrete steps and her dad is afraid she might start dancing to hard and take a tumble....sound familiar dad?

Here are some of mommy's new friends. We belong to a special society of women called coach's wives.
Not quite sure what Harper is thinking here, but it's a new face for her and I wanted to include it!

1 comment:

The Westmorelands said...

those shoes are too cute! ...she'll learn to walk in them eventually :). looks like y'all had a fun party! go skyhawks!

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