Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sick Baby = New Toys

In the past 5 days Harper has experienced her first bee sting and her first stomach virus. Both were very scary at the time, but as you can she seems to have come out of it okay. She is modeling her bohemian look.
Harper's first new toy came from Mamaw and Papaw. She has just started taking an interest in babies, so they got her a baby stroller. She loves it!!!

Harper's next new toy came from the Stomach Virus Fairy. She got her first big wheel or "bike" as she calls it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Celebration of the New Turf

Last night we had a turf celebration party and Harper had the time of her life....
Here we are trying to coax her to talk to the Skyhawk. She had her picture made earlier with him, but now she's shy all of a sudden. This is after having chased him all over the field.
Here's the picture! She can't take her eyes off him. This may be the first time she's encountered a life size character other than Santa last year which I'm sure she doesn't remember. Her dad looks real excited:)

She's testing out the new turf. The turf may be new to some people, but it's a second home to Harper. Oh! She's also modeling her boo boo. Her mean mom made her wear her new sandals and she tripped on the concrete and hurt her knee. Yes, I feel bad.
These are all the players that Marcus coaches. The QB's are in front and the wide-outs are in back. They all know and love the Harpster.

There was loud music playing throughout the night. In the following shots Harper has decided to dance. Here, she's at the top of the concrete steps and her dad is afraid she might start dancing to hard and take a tumble....sound familiar dad?

Here are some of mommy's new friends. We belong to a special society of women called coach's wives.
Not quite sure what Harper is thinking here, but it's a new face for her and I wanted to include it!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Preschool Update...

Preschool still seems to be going pretty well if we could just get her to eat!! She has been clapping every time we pull into the parking lot. What a change!!
Harper also wants to say hi to Bee Bee (Aunt Abby). Abby just started college! She's going to UTC and majoring in pre-law. One day Harper hopes to be just like Bee Bee:)

Harper and Her Friend the Frog

We finally broke down and brought Harper's frog pool outside. Nana, Papa, and Aunt Abby bought Harper this pool for her birthday back in April. Until now, it has served as a clubhouse/chair/bed for Harper in her room. How do you like Harper's bed-head?
Mommy about got wet in this shot. Fortunately, I still have some moves left in me.

We found out that the bottom of the pool can get pretty slick. I don't think that Harper anticipated getting her hair this wet. Also, her daddy had just finished mowing the yard so it probably wasn't the best time to get wet.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

More Playground...

Harper sure does love the playground!! She's starting to like preschool just as much. It does our hearts good to know that she is not only adjusting but seemingly loving preschool now. If only we could get her ear infection to clear up, we would have one happy camper! Well, she also needs to start eating lunch at preschool too, but we're learning to pick our battles:-)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Preschool update...

I think Harper is thru with the photo shoot. She's trying to put the lense back on the camera.

As far as preschool is concerned, she seems very excited about going. The past two mornings she has clapped when we pull into the parking lot. However, when I picked her up yesterday she had a fever and had not eaten all day. She was a little better by this morning, but I hope her immune system gets built up quickly.

Harper and Papaw

Papaw is teaching Harper new tricks with the football.
We think she's about got the hang of it. She's learning to kick and this might be a good tee....
or we can just punt the ball:)

I don't think Harper understands yet why she has to be on the other side of the fence.

Harper on the Playground

I think Dad likes to play as much as Harper!

Pink cheeks, bow is gone, shirt is falling off, but it's all worth it! She loves the playground!

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