Monday, July 14, 2008

Harper's 1st Day @ Preschool!

Today is Harper's first day of preschool. I just called to check on her and she seems to be having a good far. Mom is doing fine far. We decided to go the preschool route instead of a nanny because Harper truly loves being around other kids. Thanks Mamaw and Papaw for all the new school clothes!!
Have you noticed her new hairstyle in the picture? We went to have Harper's hair trimmed the other day and Ms. Camille would not let us cut Harper's bangs. I really am grateful, but we have to do something with it because it falls in her face the minute she sweats. Harper also will not keep a bow or clippie in her hair. Therefore, she is sporting the Fonzie hairstyle. More preschool pictures and updates to come....

1 comment:

The Westmorelands said...

can't wait to hear all about it!! we need a playdate with harper soon! glad you're back in town!!!!!!!!!

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