Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bath Time!

The many faces of Harper...
I guess because it's so hot here that when you ask Harper what the dog does she pants instead of barks!
I think she has her swimming technique down. Now, if her mom would just let her try in a real pool....maybe next year!

Preschool update...we are starting our third week and Harper seems to be settling in. She doesn't cry hardly at all now. Her teacher, Ms. Debra, says that she cries a little when they wake up from nap but that's probably because she's hungry. Harper is still on her hunger strike!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Deep in Thought

You can tell the night is winding down as is Harper. She appears to be in deep thought in these pics.

Update on preschool....she supposedly had a great day yesterday with no crying. However, she still isn't eating. We hope that today goes as well as yesterday.

Setting Up for Drills

Harper found a treasure chest when she happened upon the bag filled with cones and balls used for drills.

Harper may be the youngest volunteer assistant ever!!

She's Her Daddy Made Over

Most people think that Harper looks like me, but in every other way she's her daddy made over.
In these pictures, Harper had found her daddy's script for the night. For those of you who don't know what that is, basically it's what her dad has taken all day to prepare for the players to follow for that night's voluntary workout.
When Harper sees that she's got a hold of something she's not supposed to have, she takes off running and scattering the papers while her daddy is hollering and chasing after her:-)

Oh! What fun!!
The fun is over. Now, dad has to pick up the pieces.

A Student of the Game

Daddy and Harper are going to the ball.
Harper gets to it first and takes off.
She sees her Daddy approaching and gets that mischievous gleam in her eye.
Look at the size of that hand!
Back to O-Line drills....she's getting ready to snap the ball.

Harper and the O-Line

We are back at the football field. Except this time, Harper decided that she wanted to do some offensive line drills.

Coach Geep is in the process of teaching her the correct stance.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Golf, Football, Gymnastics and Basketball!

The bb goal was a birthday present to Harper from Mamaw and Papaw Satterfield. She's been practicing for several months now. I think she got it out last night to celebrate being 15 months! She's already imitating Michael Jordan.
This is Harper doing her wiggle, wiggle, wiggle dance from Yo Gabba Gabba. It's a fave of her and her daddy's.
Update on preschool.....other than Harper remaining on a hunger strike, it seems like school went pretty well yesterday. Marcus and I were able to drop her off this morning without any crying at all!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Working Outside

While Dad was working in Mommy's flower bed, Harper was hard at work too. As you can see, she put her car in the pool to wash it. Also, she is holding her golf club and running thru the sprinkler at the same time. What a busy girl!

Update on preschool.... Dad dropped her off this morning. Other than saying, "no, no,no,no" when he turned into the school, the drop off was pretty uneventful according to Marcus. I don't know if he is sparing me the gory details or if it was truly that easy.

Playing Around!

I think Harper is feeling a little better. Two days home from preschool can work wonders! We were getting ready to go out to eat Friday night and she was putting on a show for me and her dad. In the above picture, she was giving us the "eyes". She gets this serious look on her face and then cracks up.

Not sure what kind of show she is practicing for in the above pics:)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 4

Day 3 of preschool turned out to be pretty good. She had a much better day than the one before. She wasn't ready to go when I came to pick her up. However, today which is day 4 we are home sick with a slight fever and a very runny nose. The pic above is of Harper a few days earlier giving us a disgruntled look. I can see this look in the future when her dad and I do something to embarrass her:-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 3

This is Harper before she realized we were going to "school" again today. Once we got to school, she would not let me go. I had to leave the building with her crying. So far this preschool stuff is for the birds! According to her teacher, she had a rough day yesterday crying most of the time. We'll keep you posted:)

Turning Flips!

I am proud to say that not only is Harper interested in fb and golf, but she loves turning flips as well!!! The new turf makes an amazing gymnastics mat. In the following shots you will be able to see Harper's remarkable progress in this difficult endeavor.

Okay....sometimes she makes it over and sometimes not:) And sometimes she likes to lift a hand in the air and wave while upside down. She makes up her own tricks from time to time. Her dad and her papaw were the first to witness the actual turning of the flip.

Harper at the FB Field

Every night after supper, Harper, her dad and I go to the fb field to watch the boys throw. Whenever her dad stands at the fence and yells, Harper thinks she needs to yell as well.
Harper has to have her own football whenever we are at the field. The guys are very gracious and share with her. A little side note on Harper's t-shirt....her cousin Allison made this shirt for her for her 1st birthday. It says "Bon Jovi" across the top. Down the side it says, "Born to Be My Baby" and on the other side it says "Harper." Needless to say, I LOVE IT! Thanks Allie!
Here Harper is practicing carrying the football high and tight like her daddy has taught her.

She's concentrating on something here....maybe it's a new play that her Daddy installed.
Just a glimpse of the new field turf....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

2nd Day of Preschool

We are now on day 2 of preschool. Yesterday started out well, but by lunchtime Harper decided to go on a hunger strike. She refused to eat and sit down at the table with the other kids. She walked around the room with a cracker in her hand crying. She did take a small nap and did not fall out of her cot. However, by the time I got there at 2:00 she had been crying again and was sitting in the teacher's lap. Needless to say, my heart was breaking....

This morning started out well. We walked into school clapping and saying, "Yea school!" She went to the teacher without any problem. Stay tuned......

Monday, July 14, 2008

Harper's 1st Day @ Preschool!

Today is Harper's first day of preschool. I just called to check on her and she seems to be having a good day....so far. Mom is doing fine too....so far. We decided to go the preschool route instead of a nanny because Harper truly loves being around other kids. Thanks Mamaw and Papaw for all the new school clothes!!
Have you noticed her new hairstyle in the picture? We went to have Harper's hair trimmed the other day and Ms. Camille would not let us cut Harper's bangs. I really am grateful, but we have to do something with it because it falls in her face the minute she sweats. Harper also will not keep a bow or clippie in her hair. Therefore, she is sporting the Fonzie hairstyle. More preschool pictures and updates to come....

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