Thursday, June 12, 2008

Excessive Cell Phone Usage

Harper has a new, very comfortable chair that no one else is allowed to sit in. We are working on the concept of sharing.
One of Harper's favorite toys is a cell phone. Not just any cell phone will do....she knows the difference between a toy cell phone and the real thing. Needless to say, she will only play with the real thing.
She also loves the TV remote. It's been played with so much that it now requires a ponytail holder to keep it together. She enjoys anything technical. Mamaw and Papaw have to keep their laptops hidden.
Harper's dad was generous enough to allow Harper and me to come "home" three weeks before he could. So, every time a cell phone rings Harper starts shouting, "Da Da!!"
I think in this picture she was using ESP to get her daddy to call.

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