Friday, December 28, 2007

Mommy's Night Out!

Mommy finally had a night out! Once a year at Christmas, the girls from the class of '92 come together for a night of reminiscing. Notes are compared on babies, dogs, husbands and much, much more. I don't think any stone was left unturned:-) Cheers and best wishes in the coming year to Reagan, Debbie, Michelle, Karrie, Becky, and all the others who couldn't make it this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gorgeous ladies!! Everyone looks fabulous and happy. I'm so glad you all could get together. I didn't come home for the holidays this year. I really hope to make it next time. Please stay in touch. I think about all of you often! Can you believe it has been almost 16 years since graduation? Can that math possibly be right? Wow. Am I the only one without a baby? Anyone wanna visit California?
Happy New Year!

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