Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Golf Practice

Golf Practice

Harper and "Kate" (named after Emma Kate), pose before their nightly golf practice with dad.

In between swings, we have to play baby. Harper is happy with any kind of ball, heels, bow, and baby.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring Performance

It's spring performance time again. To break up Harper's day at school, she participates in activities like gymnastics, dance, and baton with Ms. Angela of Angela's Angels. We all love Ms. Angela and the girls who work hard for her.

Planting with Papaw

It's time to plant flowers! We are so excited! Harper was in charge of two planters this year. We took her to the nursery to pick out flowers and then Papaw helped her plant them. Harper did all the hard work. She is also in charge of watering and caring for them. Harper's papaw and papa both love to garden. It looks like she will carry on the tradition:)

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