Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Blessings

I am posting this blog the day after our area's devastating tornadoes. So....when I say Easter blessings, I truly thank God for his many blessings. We are all safe and actually have power.

We had a wonderful, busy Easter weekend starting Good Friday with Harper's birthday, continuing into Saturday with t-ball in the morning and Harper's party in the afternoon. We rounded out the weekend with Easter Sunday. Harper says that going to church makes her week better.

More birthday...

We had Harper's 4th birthday party at her gymnastics place. The theme of Harper's party was Scooby Doo. Harper let us know that she is starting a "pattern". The birthday party pattern will go as follows, "Mickey, Princess, Scooby, Mickey, Princess, Scooby." Wow! From the mind of a 4 year old...

Harper was thrilled that cousin Sophie got to come to her party!!!
The fun continues with Nana and a party horn:)

Happy Easter and Happy Birthday, Harper!

Papaw decided that it was time for Harper to have her own set of REAL golf clubs. He is probably right. She either hits it really good or swings and misses really good and then falls to the ground from her effort:)

Instead of buying cupcakes for Harper's class for her birthday, we sent homemade ones. I made the cupcakes and Harper and Marcus iced them. At one point during the process, Harper came to me to confess that she licked a cupcake before she iced it but was not sure which one!More birthday and Easter pics to come...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

1st Game

We had a big weekend! It was Marcus' 35th birthday, The Master's, and Harper's 1st t-ball game.
We think she may have had the biggest fan following thanks to mamaw, papaw, nana, papa, sophie, geep, and amy:)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

T-Ball Time in Tennessee!

Harper had her 1st t-ball practice! After a rough start to the evening due to having arrived 20 minutes late because Mommy misunderstood exactly where the field was......we all had a blast. The most important person, Harper, loved it! More info to come...

Gotta dance a little too!

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