Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thanks Ms. Frankie!

Ms. Frankie, my great friend and fellow (genius) school counselor, made Harper this adorable apron. She has a chef's hat to match but thought her headband was appropriate for this look. Thank you, Ms. Frankie! You are amazing!

Harper has a message for Ms. Frankie....who also happens to be an Alabama alum and football fan.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Videos

Harper puts a new spin on the B-I-B-L-E song:)

In this video, Harper sings an oldie but goodie, Row Row Row Your Boat, while adding some words of her own.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day #2

We are on day #2 of our Great Snow Adventure! This morning we spent time with our precious neighbors building snow people and having a snowball fight. Have I mentioned that we have the best neighbors ever!?!
Harper has named our snowperson Swiper.

Asher and Keegan take time out for a quick swing.

Ada Caroline, Aidan, and Harper try to build an even bigger snowman than Swiper. I think it took Marcus, Aidan, and Ada to pick up the ball of snow to make the body. And below, we have a video of our snowball fight. It looks like an attack on Marcus.

Monday, January 10, 2011

This Little Light of Mine

Snow Day or Maybe Snow Week?

Yay for snow day! We are experiencing the second biggest snowfall for Chattanooga since the blizzard of 93'.
However, I think our snow day will probably turn into a snow week. And, yes, I will be ready to go back to school!

Not only did Harper enjoy the day off from school, but she also enjoyed the day off with her dad. He was trapped and couldn't go into the office...ha!

I had to include the picture of Fletcher in Harper's tutu and Marcus' t-shirt:)

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Harper's BFF (best friend forever or boyfriend forever), Keegan... Keegan invited Harper bowling over the holidays.
He's a natural!

Coach dad is giving Harper last minute instructions.

She's not quite a natural like Keegan, but we're working on it!

Holiday Fun

Our own little "Santa Baby"...
Harper fixing Cousin Sophie's bow...poor Sophie:)

Oh my! What fun was had by all at Nana and Papa Satterfield's on Christmas night!

Our view out the front door of Mamaw and Papaw Houser's...

Harper anxiously looking up the chimney for you know who...

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