Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pre-Holiday Family Fun!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Harper and I went on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch with her preschool class. We had a great time! We stayed busy with the hayride, picking a pumpkin or three, petting the animals, eating a picnic lunch, and playing on the playground.

Peer Pressure

Sometimes peer pressure can be a good thing. Harper is friends with several little girls on our street who are a couple of years older than she is. This was the summer for learning to ride bikes. All the little girls on our street can now ride without training wheels, including Harper! It's good to know she's competitive. She worked hard with her dad and then practiced for hours on her own. Notice the knee pads...we are now without any type of padding except for the helmet. As proud as I am of her, my heart still stops beating at times as she gets braver and braver:) In the above pic, Harper is riding with her best buddies, Keegan and Asher.

Summer Happenings

We spent lots of time with the doggies and outside. Harper practiced hard on the beam.

Marcus and I had a date night in Nashville at the U2 concert. I was able to check an item off my bucket list. Thanks Andi and Rob for a great time!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Camp!

Now that Harper is four, we have entered into the world of summer camp. This picture was taken on Harper's first morning of summer camp. She was so excited we couldn't get her to go to sleep the night before. Therefore, we have the sleepy little eyes. To be continued...:)

Summer Fun

Harper and I have been having lots of fun this summer. She chose to stay in "school" two days a week for water day and Ms. Angela day. On the other days us girls just hang out and try to find interesting things to do. Her daddy will have 3 weeks off soon and we are really looking forward to that! Going to our Children's Museum is one of the most fun things we have done so far. Harper is fascinated with teeth and bones, so this was great for her!

What is better than rubber bands and shapes? It might be markers and scissors.

We ran from one thing to the other. Bob the Builder is at the museum along with lots of bubbles.

I quickly ushered Harper from yucky dirt to the much better sandy dirt. Here she is digging for dinosaur bones.

Cars, kitchen, and water round out the day. Notice how wet she got:)

These are the flower pots that Harper and Papaw planted in an earlier blog. They have turned out beautiful!
Our sweet dogs are getting old fast, but they still love their summer cuts.

Harper is a water baby. She loves it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Golf Practice

Golf Practice

Harper and "Kate" (named after Emma Kate), pose before their nightly golf practice with dad.

In between swings, we have to play baby. Harper is happy with any kind of ball, heels, bow, and baby.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring Performance

It's spring performance time again. To break up Harper's day at school, she participates in activities like gymnastics, dance, and baton with Ms. Angela of Angela's Angels. We all love Ms. Angela and the girls who work hard for her.

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