Saturday, March 20, 2010

Beautiful Spring Day!

Harper and I showed up at Dad's scrimmage today right in time to play on the field. She loved it. She met up with some old friends.
Get my hair out of my face!!

Harper, Emily, and Levi played a little football.

Harper is showing her sweet side by helping Levi up.

Sweet B.J. a kiss.

What a crew! Too many boys for Harper...
In the below shots, the Harpster made her Daddy proud:)

Stealing the football...

Getting ready for the big pass...

Check out the spiral...

OHS Cheer Clinic

This weekend, Harper was starting to feel a little better from her illnesses. We attempted to participate in the cheer camp held at my school. I saw little flashes of the true Harper from time to time. I found myself shaking my head and giggling quite a bit. In the above pic, our beloved babysitter/dogsitter, Alex, tried to teach Harper a chant.

Now, we are getting out motions corrected...pretty good for a two year old:)

Ta Daaaaa! Thanks OHS Cheerleaders for your patience today!

Circus and Sickness

Harper and her friend, Jack, went to the circus this past week. I think they had a blast!

Picture of Jack sharing with Harper....I don't know if Harper would have been so kind:)

We have had the circus tickets for a while. As the circus was approaching, our little Harper kept getting sicker. Come to find out, she had pneomonia. In the span of three weeks, Harper had strep throat, three ear infections, and pneomonia. We've definitely had a time of it... However, we were not going to miss the circus!

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