Saturday, January 30, 2010

Playing Catch Up...

I know....I's been a long time. I've found that the bigger Harper gets the smaller the window of time I have to do things like BLOG. However, Harper never fails to entertain. I say this at every stage of her development, but this may be the most fun age so far. Just take a look and see for yourselves....
Updated gymnastics pictures....Harper loves it! If she's ever off task (quite a bit), it's because she is staring open mouthed at the big girls. We have some girls at the gym training for the Olympics, so I find myself staring open mouthed at times as well.

We went through a stage where Harper wanted her hair braided every night after bath so that she could wake up with it curly. When Marcus wasn't on the road recruiting, he helped out too. Cool Dad!!!

Harper and Fletcher.....

Most of the time now, Harper takes off running like in the above picture when she sees me getting the camera out:)

Every now and then, Harper will strike a pose for me.

We've recently enjoyed some of the winter weather. Harper and Keegan still get to go on dates even when the weather is bad.

Different looks.....I still pick Harper's clothes out for school, but as soon as she hits the door in the afternoons she sheds her school clothes and picks out her own attire.

In the pictures below, Marcus tried to highlight Harper's recent dance/gymnastics recital at her school. She gets pulled out of class on Thursdays and Fridays to participate in Angela's Angels. Every now and then we get a shot of her true personality....

Harper and Cousin Sophie got to spend some quality time together at Christmas...

They really seem to love each other! It's fun to watch their different personalities.

Our SEC fight song baby...When I was pregnant, Marcus and I played SEC fight songs to Harper instead of classical music. It seems to have stuck with her. She truly breaks out in dance and song when she hears one of her favorites. Right now her favorites are UT, Florida, Alabama, and Georgia.

These are some of her signature moves during Rocky Top!

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