Sunday, September 13, 2009

Long Time No See!

Sorry to all my loyal blog followers....a lot has been going on in Southeast TN. I made the huge decision to go back to work full time and needless to say that doesn't leave me much time to blog. Between working, getting two people ready, tending to a sick little girl, football season, etc., there has not been much time to spend on my blog. Here are some snapshots of over the past month...
In the above pic, Harper and Nana are playing with the big, foam finger:) Below is a picture of, "Daddy in the sky." Marcus sits in the box much to mine and Harper's dismay. We enjoy seeing him on the sidelines.

Harper says, "Time out for a sippy!"

I had to slide this one in of Harper and Fletcher sharing some quality time together.

Please ignore the big rear end...I thought this one was funny. Like mother, like daughter....Harper really seems to enjoy doing gymnastics. Her gym teacher has moved her up to preschool I, which is for three year olds. This is great for a little girl who's not quite two and a half:)

Looking tired from working so hard!!!

Hope to see you soon!

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