Saturday, July 25, 2009

Busy Day!

Dad had a big camp weekend so Harper and I decided to drive up the interstate a couple of hours to Mamaw and Papaw's. One of Harper's favorite things to do is to get out Papaw's tools and dig in the rocks.

Another one of our many activities today included playing hopscotch. I'm not sure where Harper learned how to do this, but she's gotten pretty good at it. In the above pic Harper is checking out where the kitty must have rolled on our hopscotch board.

In the above shot, Harper has learned another new trick...."pee peeing in the grass!" It must be a fascinating sight:)

Harper discovered her mother's 28 year old baton....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Here's our little monkey!
And, here is the real monkey.... We recently took Harper to the zoo. It cost all of six dollars to get in and now we understand why. However, spending time with this big guy was worth every penny and more. He would just sit and look at Harper. Every now and then he would smile and put his hand up to the window. We all loved it!

Most of our time at the zoo was spent chasing Harper. She was very excited and was in constant motion. This picture exemplifies most of the shots we got. Harper was on the move and couldn't stop to get her picture made.

Summer Fun

Popsicles! Harper spends the majority of her day outside. I've learned that one way to make her slow down and cool off is to bribe her with popsicles. She likes to sit in her tree house to eat them.

Harper is finally interested in her that she's almost too big for it.

New Bed!

We are now in our toddler bed and have been for a couple of weeks....I'm just behind on blogging. Harper's bedtime routine consists of falling asleep in "momma's bed" and then being transferred (while asleep) to her new bed. Most of the time she makes her way back into our bed in the middle of the night, but we are getting better gradually. Above, she is in our bed listening to her cartoons on daddy's headphones.

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