Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

In all of the excitement that came with Harper's birthday along with the fact that we don't have a working computer at the house, and Dad's birthday being in the middle of spring practice, I did not get to post this special day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY!!! Harper loved celebrating her Daddy's birthday. I can tell that in the years to come Harper will enjoy more and more that she and her Dad have the same birthday month. We love you, Marcus! Hopefully, you will celebrate your birthday at the Master's next year:)

More BD Pics...

After all was said and done, we celebrated with a birthday pizza. I really just wanted to see her precious face again when we sang happy birthday to her.
Harper and Crockett enjoy the new playground. Thank you, Mamaw and Papaw!

Harper enjoying her new Toyota!


Harper and Mamaw take a break during the party.

Papa and I are taking photos of each other:)

Emily and Will helped us celebrate. Watch out Em, Harper is claiming Will as her own!

Nana and Aunt Abby are trying out the strawberry birthday cake. Everybody liked it but Dad....

Forget the presents and the cake, as long as there is chips and dip, Harper is happy. Aunt Debbie is holding the plate so that Harper can do it "by self."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Harper!

Gotta get the birthday pics up! There will be more to come....
Harper had a Mickey and Friends party this year. I think by the time her birthday came around she might have had another favorite cartoon (Dora), but by that time all the decorations and cake ordering had already been done. The above pic is Harper sitting on the dining room table picking up Pluto and licking the icing off. This began about an hour before the party started...but, hey, it's her party and her cake, she can do what she wants!
I love this picture because of what was going on when it was taken. Everyone was singing Happy Birthday to her and she got the sweetest, most amazed look on her face. I'm sure she didn't remember it from last year, so I think she was thrilled and bewildered that everyone was singing to her.

What a good dad! Marcus is wiping the icing off of Harper before she can get it on her white (I know. I'm crazy.) party dress.

A rare picture of me and Harper....I'm usually the one taking all of the pictures. How about those Mickey Mouse ears?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Blog Status

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm not as lazy as it seems when it comes to blogging. As much as I love living in Chattanooga and being a stay at home mom, I don't like not having a computer and being cut off from everyone. We are working on this problem. But, for the time being I only get to blog and email when I visit Seymour.

Happy Easter!

We've had a big Easter this year:) It started at Harper's school with an Easter egg hunt and a visit from the Easter bunny. Harper, her Dad, and I have been practicing Harper's Easter egg hunting skills at home but it was to no avail. Harper's style of egg hunting consists of finding an egg, opening it up, extracing the candy, and then throwing the egg on the ground to move on to the next egg.
On to the Easter Bunny, Harper's teacher were amazed because everyone in Harper's class was afraid of the Easter bunny but Harper. As it happens, Harper is said to be in every picture of the Easter bunny that they took. She loves the Easter bunny!

Mamaw, Papaw, Harper, Marcus, and I went to North Carolina to celebrate the true Easter holiday. What better way to celebrate Easter than to visit the best church that has the best preacher in the world (at least in our opinion:)...Cullowhee United Methodist Church. Marcus and I found this special place when Marcus coached at Western. It holds a very special place in our hearts. It was our first church we attended as newlyweds. It is also the church we took Harper to get baptized. The service met all of our
expectations. In the above picture, we were watching the Easter parade in Dillsboro.
From North Carolina we went to Nana and Papa's house to celebrate Easter.

Our little girl looks tired here....we were too after spending the night in a hotel with Harper.

Harper and her cousins...Sophie, McKenzie, and Harley

Papa and his girls taking a ride on the golf cart.

Harper hunting Easter eggs.

Harper is helping Papa plant flowers.

Harper and Sophie taking it easy after the day's activities.

Swim Lessons

Harper has started swim lessons at our local Y (thanks Alison S. for the idea). She loves it! As we predicted, however, she has no fear. She doesn't want me holding her...she just wants to swim.

I don't know if you can tell from the above pic, but everyone in our class is an infant. So, I called and had Harper bumped up the the 3 year old class where I'm not in the pool with her and she has an instructor. This was also based on the fact that she was sliding down the slide and going under and absolutely loving it....again no fear.

Potty Girl!

Aunt Paula and her magic purse bought Harper her 1st panties. We thought they were very appropriate. We are in the middle of potty training and Harper seems to be doing pretty good.

In the magic purse, Harper found Aunt Paula's lipstick!

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