Sunday, March 15, 2009

Images of Harper

Between moving, trying to get internet set up, and our computer breaking down, it's been hard to blog. Here are a few pictures of Harper to let everyone know what she's been up to....

We've started a new gymnastics class which Harper loves. She actually keeps her leotard on during class.

Harper is hoping for a warm spring. She's ready for bikini season!

She loves wearing all her leotards and the shoes that Aunt Andi got her for Christmas. I think they make a nice outfit.

Dad and Harper are sharing some quality time at the new table that he put together.

We are ready to mow our new yard! Harper loves riding her car around the neighborhood. Her friend Keegan comes by to pick her up in his monster truck sometimes for a date.

Mamaw and Harper had fun rolling her hair. I'm sure Uncle Rob will be thrilled with the hot rollers.

Harper on her way to gym class takes time to pet Fletcher.

Harper and Uncle Rob

Uncle Rob came up from Atlanta recently to finally meet Harper! While he was visiting, we all got hair cuts.
Harper helped Uncle Rob mix Mommy's color.

Harper loved her Uncle Rob! She hasn't stopped talking about him and can't wait for his next visit.

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