Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Aidan!

Harper's good friend, Aidan, celebrated his 4th birthday.
Aidan is showing off his Lightening McQueen fishing pole that his Aunt Andi got him.

I think Harper is pouting in this pic because she REALLY wanted to tear into Aidan's presents.

Harper is making sure she is close to the action!

Harper is getting ready to go to Aidan's big birthday party. She was very excited!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving with the Satterfields

Harper has been a very sick little girl, but she recovered in time to spend Thanksgiving with the Satterfields.
She spent a lot of the day trying to get her dress off. Harper is learning to dress herself, but she hasn't learned yet the appropriate place to undress:)

Harper is trying to show Baby Sophie a little love, but we didn't want her to get to close to Sophie's face which proved a little frustrating for Harper. She loves to give kisses!

Harper and Aunt Traci....

Great Mamaw Satterfield with her newest great grandbaby...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Fall Fun!

What's more fun than raking leaves with dad and then jumping into the pile?

I guess it's also fun to eat the leaves! We are still in the stage where everything goes into the mouth.

Harper has a good idea....let's just mow the leaves and be done with it!

Or we can just pray about it.....

We are now getting into the stage where we like to dress ourself......this could be interesting!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Harper wore her navy, orange, and white in honor of her daddy's team and their victory on Saturday!! The Skyhawks will now play for the OVC championship and an automatic berth to the Division 1AA playoffs. She already looks like a little cheerleader. Here are some highlights from the Jacksonville State win and also the Auburn game...
Harper also wants to say Happy Birthday to her Aunt Debbie and Cousin Mitchell! We miss you guys. I know Cousin Mitchell is celebrating Wyoming's win over UT.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mommy's School

Yesterday, Harper went with me to school to help get report cards ready. We had a blast! She played in the little school while Mommy worked in the high school. Harper colored, watched movies, and played with the little kids.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hats, Bows, and Basketball

Harper and I were getting ready to go to dinner on Saturday night when she replaced her bow with one of her daddy's hats. She's a Tiger fan already!

Harper wants to thank her Aunt Mel for the basketball. One of these days she will need to take basketball and golf lessons from Aunt Mel. Who said you couldn't be stylish and play basketball at the same time? Harper made the shot and her bow stayed in place!

But not for long....

Harper was exhausted by the end of the night. We had a big weekend!

Veteran's Day Parade

Harper and her friend Macie Joe attended the Veterans Day parade on Saturday. They loved all the activity, noise, and CANDY! Harper had to bring Baby. Baby seems to go lots of places with us these days. Harper hasn't grasped the concept yet that it's cold outside and Baby might like some clothes.....

Macie Joe has the most beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. She's a sweetheart too....just like her mom, Robyn.

Harper is clapping her hands to the "Happy and You Know It" song, which has become a big hit in the Satterfield home as of late.

She loves the biggest slide in the park. Harper has no fear....which scares her mom to death.

Movie Night!

Harper wants to thank her Uncle Joel and Aunt JoLynn for the great book they sent. She loves books and has since she could sit up. One of her new favorite sentences is, "I read!"
Harper went to her 1st movie Friday night. We saw Madagascar 2. I think Harper did very well to be so young and full of energy. We probably lasted about 30 minutes. The theater was pretty full so Harper got to wave to lots of people. She was also the only person who clapped after every preview. It was fun to watch her reactions to all the new things.

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