Friday, March 28, 2008

Harper and the Daffodils

Between the kitty cats and the daffodils, our Harper has become quite the outdoorsperson. I believe she could stay occupied for hours outside. She might take up gardening as a hobby like her Papa and her Great-Grandfather Houser.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Harper and the Easter Horse?

The Easter Bunny brought Harper an Easter Horse. We don't have the official name yet, but we'll keep you posted.

Even though it was a little chilly on Easter Sunday, Harper still enjoyed being outside with her eggs. Easter wasn't the same without sharing it with our family. We love and miss you all!

Just a Swingin'

Harper enjoys the swing, but just for a few minutes at a time.....
Then she's down on the ground walking around and trying to put the wood chips in her mouth.......
Kind of like the swinging thing, Harper likes to slide, but only for a minute or two before it's on to the next adventure.....
Harper and Knox are enjoying themselves on their playdate.


Harper and her boyfriend, Knox, had a playdate at the park on Thursday. He introduced her to his duck friends. Since that day, we have been to the park to visit with our friends, the ducks, three out of the past four days:)

Harper is talking to the duck. She doesn't seem to be scared at all. As a matter of fact, I had to chase her several times to the water or she would have went swimming with her new friends.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Playtime for Harper!

Thanks to Nana and Papa, Harper has a new chair. She loves to sit back with her feet crossed and talk on the phone.
Mamaw and Papaw's living room is Harper's new playground.
She's playing so hard that in might be time to get rid of the jacket.
Harper's lion walker is now turning into a toy that she can ride.
After many attempts and many falls, she seems to be catching on.
It's been a long day. It might be time for the pj's.

Harper eats her first popsicle!

Papaw introduces Harper to the wonderful world of popsicles. She definitely has a new favorite food.

Harper Eats Japanese!

She liked it so much she licked the table clean!
Mommy and Harper finally get to visit with
Ashley and Aunt Andi!
Thanks Dad for the great pics!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Harper the Explorer

Now that Harper is walking, everything is an adventure! Here, we are all in the back yard letting Harper "air out." Crockett is doing his usual routine of walking by Harper quickly and quietly and stealing a kiss. If she pays too much attention to him, he runs away. Our little girl seems to love the grass...she even tried eating it:-)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dear Coach Summitt

Dear Coach Summitt,

As you can see I think

might be ready to

sign scholarship papers or

I might just decide to daddy

really wants me to play golf. I guess I have a few

years yet to decide. Good luck this year!

Sorry to hear about Candace leaving.


Harper E. Satterfield

By the way, thanks for the shoes papaw!

I love you!

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