Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our Little RSV Baby!

Harper has been sick with RSV.

These are pictures showing just what

a little trooper she was throughout it all.

Even with RSV, Harper still managed to get

some good reading time in!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Harper 9 months

Harper was 9 months on the 22nd of January. This is a picture out of her 9 month photo shoot. My how time flies when you're having fun! She is walking, laughing, and playing every minute that she's awake. What did we ever do without her?

Field Trip on Beale Street!

After signing day, we took a family field trip to Beale Street. As you can see, Harper at 9 months has already been to the FedEx Forum. We also went to the Peabody Hotel and then ate BBQ while listening to the blues.
It was quite a site to see the tornado devastation in Jackson and along I-40 on the way to Memphis. Our prayers are with the people affected by this disaster.

Harper at Signing Day Press Conference!

Harper is so proud of her daddy! He signed 9 recruits this year. She is showing off in these pictures with her friends, Mr. Randy and Jordan.

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