Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Harper Helps with the Move!

Harper is helping Mommy and Mamaw pack up her room for the big move across town! She really loves her sock drawer. Harper's cute pj's are courtesy of Uncle Rob in Atlanta:-)

Harper the World Traveler!

Once again, Harper's daddy is experimenting with her hairstyles. What happened to just plain old bows! Maybe Harper is getting ready to be the world traveler that her Nana and Papa are. Harper's Nana is going to India in March.

Bath Time!

Harper loves bath time! Thanks to Aunt Debbie, Harper has a new bath seat. As you can see from her mohawk, I think her daddy enjoys bath time as much as Harper does:-)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Harper on the Playground

Harper enjoyed a day at the playground with dad and mom. She got to swing for the very first time and loved it! With the help of mom and dad, she also got good use of the slide. It was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Harper's Last Night Home

On Harper's last night back home, she was sure to entertain everyone! We ate Japanese for Aunt Paula's birthday and then we came home and played and played! She's probably excited about traveling across the state to meet back up with her puppy dogs.

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