Saturday, December 29, 2007

Aidan Brings Harper Presents!

Harper's special friend, Aidan, came to visit. He brought her a brand new outfit! Harper seems to really like Aidan. She is showing him lots of affection by pulling his hair. Aidan is a good friend to Harper. He shows a great amount of patience when he lets her use him to balance and try to walk. Thank you Gary, Janet, Andi, Audra, Michael, and Aidan for all of Harper's nice gifts.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Mommy's Night Out!

Mommy finally had a night out! Once a year at Christmas, the girls from the class of '92 come together for a night of reminiscing. Notes are compared on babies, dogs, husbands and much, much more. I don't think any stone was left unturned:-) Cheers and best wishes in the coming year to Reagan, Debbie, Michelle, Karrie, Becky, and all the others who couldn't make it this year.

Christmas with the Satterfield's

After opening gifts from Santa, it was time to go see Nana, Papa, Aunt Abby, Aunt Traci, Uncle Chuck, and all the cousins. As you can see, Harper received lots of love from everyone!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

He truly is the reason for the season!
Our miracle is Harper.

Christmas with the Houser's

Harper enjoyed spending time with the Houser side of the family. Watch out Kevin! You look a little too comfortable in that position. Maybe I should say watch out Kristee! Harper got some really cool gifts...she especially likes her new lion walker from cousin Sam.

Christmas Eve with the Harpster

What fun it is to laugh and sing..... Like I said before, Christmas will never be the same now that Harper has arrived. It's 100 times better! On Christmas Eve, Marcus cooked our now traditional dinner of his special goulash dish (I believe he stole the recipe from Uncle Randy:). We also baked cookies for Santa and wrote him a letter. Harper got to see Santa on the firetruck when he visited our subdivision. She chuckled when he handed her a candy cane. So far, Harper shows no fear when it comes to Santa. I think at 8 months Harper already knows what Christmas Eve is all about....our all night sleeper woke up three times during the night:-).

Christmas with the Kelly's

On the Sunday before Christmas, we celebrated with the Kelly's. Harper's cousin Mitchell and his wife, Bethany, were in from Wyoming. We had to get an early Christmas in with Mitch before he had to report to Border Patrol on Christmas Day. Mitchell looks like a natural!!!

Lunch with Mamaw

Mamaw drove all the way across the state to help get Harper home for Christmas. We did have a little time to enjoy ourselves before the packing and driving began.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Harper's 1st Christmas Party!

Saturday night Miss Harper attended her 1st Christmas party at her boyfriend Knox's house.

Her friend, Beckett, was also in attendance. As you can see, Harper had a great time sharing her puff's with Knox and Beckett. She also sharpened her teeth on Meredith's snowman. Her daddy was right in the middle playing as well.

Harper and the Beaz! and Shep!

Harper had a good time Friday night with the Beaz and Uncle Shep. She especially loved Beazer's beard:-)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Harper and Santa

We visited Santa for the 1st time and Harper did great! She wasn't scared at fact, I think she could have sat on Santa's lap all night playing with his glasses.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Talking Harper

Harper has been babbling now for a couple of months. Her first word was da da. Now, her new favorite word is "Hiiiiiiii!" Hopefully, she won't repeat everything she hears her mommy and daddy say:-)

Walking Harper

Harper is like her daddy when it comes to having lots of energy! When she is awake, she is trying to walk. She began this walking conquest by pulling up and using our hands as tools to balance and walk. Now, she wants to let go of our hands and try to balance on her own. We have built up to 10 seconds of standing on our own! If she gets her energy from her father, I wonder where she gets her independent streak?

We have a tooth!

On December 5th, 2007, Harper Elizabeth Houser Satterfield got her 1st tooth! What proud parents we are!
She has worked very hard for several months now. She actually has two coming in front and center on the bottom row.

Sippy Cup!

Harper loves her pink sippy cup! What a big girl she is!

Her puppies, Crockett, Fletcher, and Sadie, eagerly wait under her high chair for extra food.

What a surprise it is for them when a pink flying object bops them on the head:-)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Harper and Aidan

Harper is learning to make new friends. Aidan will be an immediate friend due to the fact that his family has been a part of ours in some form or fashion for around 50 years now. In this picture, Aidan is explaining to Harper that the letters to his alphabet board, "are not candy!"

Harper vs. the Ball

This will be a fun Christmas for all! In this picture Harper is in battle with a holiday ball. I think we will discover that Christmas will never be the same now that Harper Satterfield has arrived!

Harper 7 months

Harper Elizabeth turned 7 months on Thanksgiving day! She spent the day with her mamaw and papaw, her nana and papa, and her many other relatives that have been eaten up with the Harper bug:-) In this picture Harper is trying to walk. Being the independent spirit that she is, Harper is trying to bypass crawling all together for the better view of walking.

Harper the Bee

Harper was 6 months old over Halloween! We attended a get-together with Harper's playdate friends. Her boyfriend, Knox, was in attendance dressed as a bear! As his mother, Meredith, pointed out that Harper the Bee makes the honey that sustains Knox the bear throughout the winter:-) Julia the Pumpkin and Beckett the Lion were also at the party! A good time was had by all.

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